Limited edition giclée prints by Paul Martin, signed and numbered by hand, in 6 series

All prints are produced on a 315gsm Etching Cotton Rag paper. It has a natural white finish with a slightly structured, softly textured surface. This Fine Art Paper is acid-free, of archival quality and meets The Fine Arts Trade Guild standards. Prints on this paper will not fade in sunlight and will last 75 – 100 years.

The descriptions give the sizes that have proved most popular, but the majority can be reproduced at any size. Please get in touch to discuss your specific requirements.

Prints are supplied unframed and are printed to order by a specialist giclée printer As he is very good, he is always busy, so it’s usually best to allow 2 – 3 weeks from placing an order to receipt.

If you are interested in further details or wish to purchase, please get in touch via the ‘Contact’ page.